How To Quickly Create Your Own Newspaper? 5 Best Newspaper Layouts

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Creating a newspaper is a serious work. You need the write type of content along with perfect layout. Pictures and illustrations always come handy. In the end, despite all your hard work, you still don’t know if your newspaper will make the mark in the eyes of its readers.

To increase your throughput, you need to think smart. Use already made newspaper layouts which save you time and effort. These newspaper layouts are handpicked by our creative team.

Check them out to design your own reports, newspapers and build your artistic portfolio.

1. Versatile Newspaper Template

The following newspaper template is good for editing up to 24 pages. The best part about this template is that it is versatile in usage. Normally, when you start editing a layout for a newspaper, you don’t know where to start. How much content should be written and how much spaces should be left? The template offers the exact layout of an average newspaper.

With a standard at your disposal, you get to begin with newspapers and end up with countless functionalities. The use of this template is not restricted towards newspapers. You can create magazines and local community reports. The design offers easy editing in a professional manner.

2. Inferno Newspaper Template

This template is particularly useful when you have to deal with loads of content. If you don’t have a lot of pictures to add in your content and you just want to fill pages because the audience is the ‘reading type’, the ‘Inferno Newspaper Template’ is perfect for you.

The template gives you the option to customize 12 pages and offers a resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch).

3. Berliner Newspaper Template 20 Pages

Berliner newspaper template offers a combination of retro yet corporate looking newspaper design. Normally newspapers are boring and people don’t like reading them but if you up your presentation skills a little, VOILA…They will receive positive reviews from the readers.

If you want your newspaper to have casual vibes, this template is the one! 20 pages along with 9 different spreads are being offered. Download and happy editing 🙂

4. Super 300 Dpi Newspapers Mockup

This is a readymade template of a newspaper. In formulating a newspaper, time is of essence. This template is one of those last minute help you get to strengthen and enhance your work.

Even if you don’t have enough time to edit your work, download the template, fill in the content and print it in the high resolution of 300 DPI. The layout is interactive in nature so you don’t need any fancy editing skills. Even a layman can easily do the task, as much as a professional would do. You only need the right direction to begin your editing. After that, it is all repetition.

5. Zeitung Newspaper Template

Recommended for everyday newspaper designing, this template pretty much covers what an average newspaper looks like.

Put your pictures on one side of the page, your content on the other. The layout takes extra care of normal headings and leaves appropriate spacing, wherever necessary so that newspaper does not feel congested.

The template is also good to go for publishing magazine articles as you get 16 pages to customize your template and a strong resolution of 300 DPI for printing.

Try Them

All of the abovementioned templates have been carefully selected by our creative team. Now, you don’t have to spend loads of time to create your own newspaper layouts. Just select one from our collection and apply it. You will also get to save your money because graphic designers are expensive, when it comes to designing your template from the scratch.

All of these templates have been obtained from

If you like them, download them and also spread the word among your social circles so that they too, can help themselves.



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