Posts Categorized : Humor

What if animals too, love to take selfie photos of themselves just like human and share the photo on Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. We’ve seen selfies from athletes, celebrities, kids, models, rock stars, but did you know that animals love to take selfies too? Actually this is a humorous campaign to promote National Geographic’s wildlife images by Silvio Medeiros. According to Silvio…

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“Dirds” The Dog Birds

Posted by & filed under Art & Design, Humor, Photography.

This is too weird! But also amazing. With a dog for a head and the body of a bird, images of Dirds are spreading quickly. Some internet fans have tried to out do one another with their new designs of the hybrid creatures. These dirds are just photoshop magic and do not yet exist in…

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The Useless Website, Another Way to Waste Your Time

Posted by & filed under Humor, Other.

Are you always find yourself surfing the Internet without purposes? Always end up watching Nyan Cat? Here, we have a website for you, it’s called The Useless Website. Literally, this website collects completely useless websites and put them all in one place. Whenever you request for one, it will redirect you to one of its…

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